
Monday, February 4, 2013

Red Foxes in Breckenridge!

For the past few years, every summer my family and I would go up to visit our good friends the Beckleys, who would stay for about a month in a rented house in Breckenridge, Colorado.  One of the times, I forget exactly which one, a red fox was hovering around the house, eager for us to feed it.  Apparently, the people in the neighborhood were feeding the fox, so it had become quite tame.  We made a lot of noise to make it go away (in the hopes that it would become afraid of people, as wild animals should be), but not before we got some pretty great pictures.  Check them out!
A picture of the red fox outside of the house.  Photo Credit: Julie Neher
A picture of the red fox outside of the house.  Photo Credit: Julie Neher
A picture of the red fox outside of the house.  Photo Credit: Julie Neher
A picture of the red fox outside of the house.  Photo Credit: Julie Neher
A picture of the red fox outside of the house.  Photo Credit: Julie Neher


  1. Awe, the poor fox. I know how hard it is to keep animals from coming back after they are used to getting food. My husband's mom likes to feed the geese in her back yard. And every year whenever we are getting ready to go hang out on the lake there's always geese droppings that we have to make sure not to step in. Also, they tend to just hang out on the lawn and hiss at us if we get too close. It's just not fun. We recently just booked our Breckenridge vacation rentals for later this year. Hopefully we won't have to scare away any of the cute foxes like you had to.

    1. Hopefully you will! They are fairly common up in Breckenride, so you guys might get lucky! But you are totally right, Mr. Franklin, feeding wildlife is never really a good idea. We had a similar problem with an old neighbor of ours feeding the squirrels, they simply became too comfortable with human contact and would even steal food off of our plate's, while we were holding them, if we were eating outside! It's best just to let them be.
