
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sanctuary Spotlight: The Marine Mammal Center

While in San Francisco, my family and I decided to check out the nearby Marine Mammal Center, and boy are we glad we did!  It was a really, really cool place, and we got to learn all about the local marine mammals, as well as what is being done to conserve and preserve them!  In the picture below, you can see my sister standing next to a life-size statue of an elephant seal!
We also got to see all of the enclosures where the various seals and sea lions are kept while they are being rehabilitated.
We also got to watch (and, in the case of my sister, be a part of!) a really cool and interesting demonstration about how the people who work at the Marine Mammal Center are able to capture wounded and injured seals and sea lions, and bring them in to the center for care!  
Photo credit for all of the photos in this post goes to Julie Neher.

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