
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Skunk in the Showers!

On our California driving trip in 2010, my family and I stayed a few nights in a cute little campsite on the coast, sort of near Monterey in Santa Cruz.  We had heard that you could see whales there sometimes, but unfortunately we saw none.  However, on one fine morning, my mother and sister did see a skunk!  It was just kind of chilling over in the outdoor showers, and looked deceptively cuddly!  Here are some pictures!
The skunk in the shower!  Photo Credit: Julie Neher
The skunk in the shower!  Photo Credit: Julie Neher
The skunk in the shower!  Photo Credit: Julie Neher
The skunk in the shower!  Photo Credit: Julie Neher
On the same trip, our family was camping in Big Sur, and my dad and I were outside of our tent reading, when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye.  I looked, and there was a skunk, so close to me that I could have easily reached out to touch it!  Fortunately I didn't startle it or anything, as it moved off without spraying us.  The next morning (I remember this, but strangely enough, no one else in my family does), we also saw a mother skunk cross our dirt driveway with three or four baby skunks in tow!

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